Murphy's Four Arts Club (Musical Theatre)


Joel Stevens,

Haley Green,

Murphy High School's Four Arts Club is an elite Musical Theatre group made up of students participating in Drama, Chorus, Dance and Music. Many of these students overlap in participation of two, if not more of the performing arts curriculums at Murphy High School and go on to pursue a performing arts degree and career.

This year the Four Arts Club is offering a production of an alumni show, Broadway Live II, as well as our Spring Fine Arts Gala. Please consider joining us in celebrating the talent of the arts at Murphy High School.

About Project Steinway

Since the 1950s students at Murphy, Alabama's oldest public high school, performed on and were accompanied by a Steinway piano. The 2012 Christmas Day tornado that struck midtown Mobile damaged our instrument beyond repair. Please donate to help us purchase a new Steinway piano for the Lois Jean Delaney Auditorium.

Click below to donate to Project Steinway
