Junior Historic Society
A community service oriented Club that participates in the preservation of Historic Building and Festivals around Mobile and Murphy High School. The JHS is open to all Murphy Students interested in the culture, history and diversity that Mobile, as a historic Port City, has to offer. All interested members must be willing to serve your school and community in various hands on activities.
If interested please come by our table during Club days to sign up and learn more. Fees $20, includes t-shirt.
Sponsor: Ms. Tweddell

Some of the activities that JHS is involved with:
1) Murphy Homecoming Activities- Design a banner for competition.
2) Historic Tour of Murphy High School (includes tunnels)
3) Mobile historic and national area clean-ups
4) Assist with Oakleigh Mansion Christmas Celebration & other events as decorations, set-up serving refreshments. (December)
5) Guides for Murphy PTSA 5k Run (January)
6) Assist with Mobile Historic Homes Tour. (March)
7) Archeological Dig with USA
8) MHS Campus Clean-up & Oakleigh Mansion "Day of Service."
9) Beautification of Murphy's Campus
10) MHS Hall of Fame-banquet (April/May)
JHS is a MHS club which has joined with
Historic Mobile Preservation Society to promote Mobile Culture & History.