Kimberley James
9th Grade Counselor
Courses Taught:
9th Grade Counselor
Regula, Honors, and IB/MUC

Hello Everyone,
I am very excited to be Murphy's 9th grade School Counselor. I have been working in the school system for numerous years and they have all been fun filled and rewarding. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a native of Mobile, Alabama. I have been married for over 32 years to my wonderful best friend, William, and we have two beautiful children. I love spending time with my family and Disney World is my favorite place to visit. A fun fact about me is I was born on September 9th, I got married on September 9th, I weighed 9 pounds and 9 ounces and my favorite number is 9.
I pursued a degree in education because of my mother's love for reading and I honestly have to say this was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I love working with teen-age students. They fill my heart with joy and I am just as excited as they are when they make accomplishments in their life. It is my goal to be a positive lasting impression in their lives and always be someone that has planted a growing seed in them.
My Philosophy is, "Education Offers a Great Return; Invest in the Stock!" I look forward to working with each and everyone of you and I know we will yield a great return.
Murphy Panthers Rock,
Mrs. Kimberley James